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The Lin Life Universe

Mar 31, 2019

If you bleed, then I want to encourage you to save for the Red Tax. What is the Red Tax? It’s the roughly $10,000 starting price tag for freezing a woman’s eggs. When to start? If you are a woman, start saving $200/mo when you turn 30. It’s an insurance policy if you are still figuring out where kids might fit...

Mar 30, 2019

Every company needs universal bias training. It used to be a thing that if you walked by a construction site that you would actually get cat calls and men would yell things at you if you were a woman. They could be supposedly complimentary but they invited other man to look at and objectify a woman. Very uncomfortable....

Mar 30, 2019

We’ve been exploring some of the existing subconscious biases that we have towards women in the workplace. Here are 3 tips to counteract these biases.
Avoid creating situations where male employees have additional social access to a male boss like going for a drink to build relationships, where social stigma might...

Mar 29, 2019

Have you ever heard the phrase, “boys will be boys?” Implying we have not considered a man’s biological reality. The problem is that is often the only biological reality that gets considered. Take your own poll of “bad sex” amongst men and notice if they are talking about passive partners or a boring...

Mar 28, 2019

Collective intelligence is the composite or combined intelligence of a group of people, sort of like a group IQ. A group can be either more or less intelligent than the individuals that make up the group depending on the dynamics. The first correlation is that the higher the group member’s emotional intelligence,...